British Values Statement
The Department for Education states that there is a need:
“To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”.
Democracy- Respect for democracy and support or participation in the democratic process
At the start of each school year each class (from Year 1 upwards) vote in one school council representatives which give children a say on small-level decisions that are made at Lime Academy Parnwell. The council meet frequently with the lead teachers to discuss any issues in class and across the school. We teach our children to be respectful of themselves and others. They are given a voice and that voice is heard. We participate in fundraising for many charities for example Macmillan Foundation where we raised funds through holding a coffee morning where parents came in and spent time in class with their children.
The Rule of Law – Respect for the basis on which the law is made and applies in
Each class creates their classroom rules early on in the autumn term. All pupils will agree to follow these rules. Pupils are praised for following the classroom rules through positive reinforcement such as stickers or dojos. On the rare occasion that the classroom rules are not followed, pupils understand the clear sanction system.
Individual Liberty – Support and respect for the liberties of all within the law
Children are both encouraged and given the freedom to make choices and to respect the choices, decisions and beliefs of other children. They are also encouraged to give their opinions and share these ideas with due regard for the feelings of others. As part of our PSHE and Religious Education curriculum we place an emphasis on social and emotional learning. The highlight of the week at Lime Academy Parnwell is sharing assembly. During this assembly, we celebrate pupils' achievements both in and out of school. Parents are also invited to these assemblies to join in with the celebration.
Mutual Respect – Support for equality of opportunity for all
Children are reminded about the importance of respecting themselves and those around them. We also teach them to be respectful of their school, resources and environment. This is also supported by the classroom rules and modelled by all adults around the school. Through different areas of the curriculum, pupils are taught about differences and the importance of respecting and celebrating them.
Tolerance – Respect for and tolerance of those different faiths and religious and other beliefs
We promote diversity through our celebrations of different faiths and cultures. During Religious Education and whole school assemblies, we reinforce messages of tolerance and respect for others. Children are given opportunities to share their beliefs with their class and through this sharing we learn to be more tolerant, respectful and knowledgeable about other faiths, religions and beliefs. The children visit places of worship that are important to different faiths as part of the curriculum. We recognise that not everyone’s home life is the same so children are also given opportunities to speak about any issues affecting them in a safe, non-judgmental environment.
British Traditions and Heritage
In our academy we celebrate the role of Britain both historically and in the present through our curriculum. This involves celebrating any Royal events, Remembrance Day, festivals such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter alongside those from other cultures such as Eid, Diwali and the Chinese New Year.