Curriculum Model

The Lime Trust primary curriculum model is based on strong building blocks:

  • Rich EYFS curriculum based on sound early years pedagogy

Our curriculum in the Early Years is based on a foundation of high-quality texts and engaging themes. We provide learning opportunities that are informed by identified next steps and are driven by children's interests. This enables us to deliver a creative and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all learners. We use ‘Objective Led Planning’ that reflects a balance of the skills and knowledge the children need to be secure and prepared for taking their next developmental step towards the Early Learning Goals. We make regular assessments of children’s learning to ensure that future planning reflects identified needs. We have an excellent balance of precision teaching, adult led and child led learning. We plan activities and high-quality experiences inside and outdoors which enabling the children to develop in all the areas of learning.

  • Literacy work is structured through Read Write Inc, Destination Reader and The Wright Stuff approach

In Reception and Year 1, we teach reading through a synthetic phonics programme, Read Write Inc and writing using the Write Stuff approach. In Read Write Inc, children learn through a systematic programme and regularly revisit and make links to this learning throughout their daily wider curriculum. This enables them to retrieve and apply their phonics knowledge to their reading and writing in other contexts. Initial assessment material indicates the best starting place for each child. Children are re-assessed each half-term to measure progress and to adapt the programme to make sure learning is personalised. 

When children have completed the Read Write Inc programme, they move on to Ready Reader in Year 2 then Destination Reader. This is used to form a complete literacy programme for fluent readers, taught on a daily basis for 1.5 hours (45 minutes Destination Reader & 45 minutes of writing using the Write Stuff approach) and integrating National Curriculum Reading and Writing. The aim is for all children in Years 2 to 6 to read, write and discuss texts with maturity. Teachers plan for explicit links between Destination Reader texts and Writing lessons. Intervention programmes are offered to children who are not meeting the expected standard for their year group. 

Destination Reader is used across the Trust Schools. It promotes a consistent, structured approach to daily reading sessions in KS2 that encompass the key principles of effective reading provision and fully meets the requirements of the National Curriculum. It also builds a culture of reading for pleasure and purpose. We use Lexia, an IT-based programme, to support children with their reading and spelling.

Handwriting is specifically taught in every year group using the 'Daily Supporting Handwriting' scheme across the school and practised for 5-10 minutes daily. The techniques taught are practised and reinforced throughout the school day when writing in all subjects, with high expectations modelled.  Age related spellings are taught through the daily handwriting programme.

  • Vocabulary

Vocabulary and the teaching of vocabulary is a vital component to the success of pupils across all National Curriculum subjects.   Vocabulary relates to reading comprehension, but impacts equally on curriculum areas that require specific word knowledge such as mathematics and science. A range of interventions and strategies are used to develop vocabulary across the curriculum.  

Word Aware is used as a strategy across the school to develop pupil vocabulary.  Word Aware is a structured whole school approach to promote the vocabulary development of all children. Focused on whole class learning, the resource is of particular value for those who start at a disadvantage – including children with Developmental Language Disorder, Special Educational Needs and those who speak English as an additional language, but it will extend the word learning of all students.  This approach is used throughout school, from introducing conceptual vocabulary with our youngest pupils in Nursery through to widening the range of complex language used by our oldest pupils in KS2. 

We also use the Nuffield Early Language intervention (NELI) in the Early Years.  The Nuffield Early Language Intervention is a 20-week programme proven to help young children overcome language difficulties. It is designed for children aged 4-5 years and combines small group work with one-to-one sessions delivered by trained teaching assistants, targeting vocabulary, narrative skills, active listening and phonological awareness.

  • Maths learning is structured through Ark Maths Mastery approach

The Lime Mathematics Curriculum aspires to enthuse all learners and teaching staff to be passionate about mathematics, and demonstrate and share their love of the subject with all other stakeholders. We support our teaching and learning staff to feel confident in using various resources to support learning and achieve mastery. We equip our learners with the knowledge and skills required to confidently apply, demonstrate and explain mathematics in a range of settings, using mathematical vocabulary and terminology.  As a Trust, we follow the Ark Maths Mastery programme, rooted in current research into best practice in mathematics teaching and learning and aim to develop learner's conceptual understanding and skills proficiency, underpinned by a strong commitment to fluency, reasoning and problem solving. We also access additional Mathematics support programmes including Third Space Maths and other resources through NCETM. Mathematics is taught through a Teaching for Mastery approach, with learning mapped out to ensure that what is learned is remembered and built upon. Lessons are crafted in progressive small steps enabling all children to learn deeply.

Key concepts are taught throughout each block of learning and all learners become fluent in the fundamental skills required including recalling number facts, making reasoning connections and undertaking mathematical problem solving. Key to this deep understanding, is the explicit teaching of mathematical vocabulary, which is modelled by adults then used by children to verbalise their understanding. We are committed to ensuring that children are able to recognise the importance of Mathematics in the wider world and that they are also able to use their mathematical skills and knowledge confidently in their lives.

Through carefully planned cross curricular links, children are able to apply their mathematical skills in context. In Early Years, learners start to develop their understanding of number while utilising their everyday surroundings and its mathematical meaning. Carefully designed activities are provided through continuous play to enhance the children’s classroom-based learning. Throughout the schools, mathematics is taught daily. This incorporates a discrete Maths Meeting session as well as a mathematics lesson. Maths Meetings are daily retrieval sessions rehearsal helps learners to develop a fluency in maths. The mathematics lesson is precisely planned to teach the next small step in the learning. Maths lessons begin with a ‘My Turn, Your Turn’ (MTYT) approach where new learning occurs and learners are exposed to mathematical structures through the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) approach. Once the learners have been discretely taught new concepts and had the opportunity to practise new skills, they will then apply what they have learnt through reasoning and problem-solving activities. 

  • Science is taught through units taken from CUSP (Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership)

Units taught in each year group are based on the national curriculum framework of study for science; each unit has either a biology, physics or chemistry focus. The scheme provides progression in key scientific knowledge and concepts from Year 1 to Year 6. Within each lesson, pupils gain key scientific knowledge about their topic.

Lessons are planned so that there is also a scientific skills focus, to enable pupils to gain a better understanding of the methods used in scientific investigation.

  • Foundation subjects are taught through units taken from CUSP (Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership) and KAPOW.   

The CUSP units allow the children to be taught a range of subjects including history and geography through topic work which encourages the children to learn through exploration and investigation, ensuring that the learning is exciting, active and meaningful.  The content of the units are taught through detailed knowledge organisers and knowledge notes.  We also use Curriculum Visions to provide pupils with a range of non-fiction texts to support their learning.

The KAPOW units allow the children to be taught a range of subjects including Art, Design & Technology, Music and Computing through schemes of work, progression of skills and subject knowledge in subjects beyond the core curriculum offer.  E- Safety is embedded to inform everyday practice; however it is also taught discreetly each term and during E-Safety Week.

Our Modern Foreign Language taught is French and this is also taught through the scheme of work accessed through KAPOW, which enables us to engage all KS2 children in this subject area.

  • PE, PSHE & RE are taught as discreet subjects

The Lime Trust believes that physical education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is vital and unique in its contribution to a pupil’s physical and emotional development and health. Our teachers use PE Planning to support their teaching of physical education. PSHE is taught using the Cambridgeshire Primary Personal Development Programme scheme of work. RE is taught using the Discovery RE scheme of work, which enables an enquiry approach to RE which consistently delivers excellent learning outcomes.  E- Safety is embedded to inform everyday practice; however it is also taught discreetly each term and during E-Safety Week.

  • Enrichment Opportunities

We widen pupils’ learning experiences through enrichment activities (choir, sports teams, etc) and Collapsed Curriculum Days. These days offer children the opportunity to work in different ways from their normal curriculum and to develop new skills such as working in a team and problem solving.

Extra-curricular opportunities after School are offered each term. They provide children with the opportunity to further develop their creativity, imagination and social skills.  

Every school visit is carefully planned to link directly to certain areas of the National Curriculum and risk assessments are conducted for each education visit.

Meeting individual needs

We recognise that some of our children with special educational needs or disabilities find it more difficult to learn than other children their age.  We ensure that these pupils are given the right care and support, focused on their specific needs. We aim to engage and support the learning of all children and young people through Quality First Teaching.  Additional support will be provided either in the classroom, working individually, or in small groups. It may be temporary or long term. We work closely with children and their families as well as with other professionals such as therapists and health visitors to ensure that every child can thrive and succeed at school. The school’s Safeguarding and Inclusion lead manages the day-to-day specialised provision for SEND pupils and meets with the class teachers regularly to discuss and review identified children.

Children who come to school with very little English receive an induction programme which is tailored to their individual needs. We believe that immersion in the classroom is first and foremost to allow the child to form relationships with the adults and their peers. It also gives them the opportunity to develop their language acquisition. 

For further information about any aspect of our school curriculum please speak with your child's class teacher, phase leader or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.  

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