Academy Meals
If your child is attending school full-time they will be staying for lunch-time. Please ensure you make arrangements for their lunches.
Paid School Meals
School dinners are prepared and cooked in the kitchen at Lime Academy Parnwell, have been developed in consultation with the children and follow a regular pattern through the week. Menus are available on the website or in the school office. Dinners are served on a cafeteria basis whereby children choose their meal and sit with friends. Children are encouraged to choose their own meal and perhaps try a wider range of healthy foods. At Lime Academy Parnwell, we collect dinner money using the Arbor Parent App. If you have not already logged into the Arbor Parent App, please visit the school office who will be able to help you set one up.
Your Arbor Appl account must be in credit for your child to receive a school meal and we would suggest paying at least one week in advance to keep the account in credit. You will need to top up the account so that your child can continue to receive a school dinner. School dinners cost £2.50 per day.
Free School Meals
Since September 2014 all Infant Pupils in the UK (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) have been entitled to Universal Free School Meals, regardless of the State Benefits received by their parents. This means that your child is entitled to a Free School Meal every day, at no cost to you. If your child is in year 3, 4, 5 or 6 and you receive benefits, your child may be eligible for free school meals. It is important that you register for this benefit, even if your child would prefer a packed lunch. This allows us to claim Pupil Premium on your behalf allowing the school to receive an additional £1300 funding per child. This money will be used for your child and their education, for example, towards supporting school visits and extra educational support for your child. If you have any questions or queries about Universal Free School Meals or you think you may be entitled to benefits, please contact the school office who will be happy to help you.
Packed Lunches
Alternatively, children may bring a packed lunch. Please make sure that the lunch box is clearly marked with your child’s name and that it is secure, especially the drink container (no glass containers). Please make sure your child's packed lunch is a healthy meal, with no fizzy drinks and we ask you to avoid crisps and chocolate. Do not pack any nut products for health and safety reasons.
Snacks and Milk
Children may bring a healthy snack to be eaten at break time. Fruit is provided daily in KS1. The school is part of the Cool Milk for Schools scheme and all children receive free milk until the child's 5th birthday. After this, you can register your child to receive milk daily at break-time for a small cost by applying directly to Cool Milk. Alterntively you can ask for a registration form at the school office.